Pending Interests

1 min readFeb 26, 2019

Good Morning! Today we shall be quick. Here are some updates on interests our clients have expressed to us over the last few days:

  1. Seller of EOS
  2. Buyer of Dfinity
  3. Interested Seller of Hedera SAFT [HBar]
  4. Interested Buyer of Cosmos SAFT [ATOMS]
  5. Looking for Borrowers/Lenders of Maker [MKR]
  6. MKR M (Expiry 6/28/19) $500 Puts $50/$150 — for $500k notional with a reference price of $680
  7. GRIN H (3/29/19) $4.00 Straddle 1.00/1.50–5,000x up ref $3.85
  8. GRIN H (3/29/19) $4.00 Call .45 bid for 10,000x
  9. Bid interest in BTC M (6/28/19) and/or U (9/27/19) $6,000 Calls

Please let us know if you have interest in any of these markets, or want us to work to find liquidity in any other derivative or structure product. That’s why we are here! Have a great Tuesday.




A boutique digital asset investment bank focused on providing innovative and compliant capital markets solutions for institutional clients.